
To Rank or Not to Rank: Examining the Pros and Cons of Youth Basketball Rankings

Rankings in youth basketball have become increasingly common over the years, with various outlets publishing top player and team lists across different age groups. While rankings can provide useful information and insight into the state of the game, there are both pros and cons to consider when it comes to the impact of rankings on the sport.


1. Exposure – Rankings can provide exposure to players and teams who might not usually get it, leading to increased attention, opportunities, and recruitment.

2. Motivation – Knowing where they stand among their peers can be motivating for some players, spurring them to work harder and improve their skills.

3. Competition – Rankings create a sense of competition and rivalry among teams, resulting in more exciting and closely contested games.

4. Objective feedback – Rankings can provide objective feedback and evaluation of players and teams based on performance and statistics, which can be useful for both players and scouts.


1. Pressure – Rankings can create expectations and pressure for players to live up to, which can negatively impact their mental health and well-being.

2. Subjectivity – Rankings are subjective and can be heavily influenced by personal biases, leading to inaccuracies and disparities in rankings across different outlets.

3. Overemphasis on winning – Rankings can lead to an overemphasis on winning and losing, taking away from the importance of teamwork, development, and character-building.

4. Limited perspective – Rankings often focus solely on individual stats and performances, neglecting the significance of intangible factors such as chemistry, leadership, and work ethic.

Overall, while rankings in youth basketball can provide useful information and motivation, it’s important to keep in mind the potential downsides and ensure that the focus remains on player development rather than just winning and losing. Additionally, it’s important to remember the subjectivity involved in rankings and not get too caught up in the rankings themselves, as they are ultimately just one part of the equation in evaluating and nurturing young basketball talent.